Team Two

Telemarketing Relations Incorporated

A division of MC Consulting


We are an organization that goes to businesses to put our training program into effect. Our aim is to come up with a program that will be flexible in that it can be used within a lot of different fields of business.

Three W’s

Who are we marketing to?  Immediately our target business audiences are colleges similar to Monmouth in size, location and diversity.  The target audience for our program consists that of high school and college transfer students.  Our goal is to train a panel of college representatives to be able to recruit successfully within the framework of their business.

What are we marketing?  Our training program is strongly biased towards telemarketing.  The program we have constructed will allow businesses, who would like to be successful, to recruit the specific types of student that they are looking for, (the student with money to spend on a wonderful education).  We are marketing a program designed for efficiency and clarity during the training process.

Where are we marketing? Eventually we will broaden our horizon for marketing, (a strength of our program is its flexibility), but for now we are targeting organizations such as the small liberal Monmouth College.  Our goal  is to eventually vary our program to meet the needs of all American Universities and Colleges.