“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:      Conflict Coolers Consulting                                                                         Report Date:                           Wednesday October 4, 2000         



Meeting Dates: We met Monday Oct. 2 to work on project and Tuesday Oct. 3 to go over our presentation and to make all of the last minute repairs on the presentation for Wednesday.                                                                                                  





Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)


We finished all of the report that we had left to do.  Also, the brochure was finished and all of the adjustments that needed to be made on it were completed.  We talked about how we will be presenting out pitch to the class the tomorrow and how we were going to incorporate everyone into the presentation.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

The process went very well this evening.  Everyone discussed any ideas that they had and all opinions were heard.  We accomplished a lot and left the meeting looking forward to the presentation the next day.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Everyone was to go and write out their note cards that were to be used for the project.  Also, they were to call each other if any last minute question arose. 



Submitted by:  ______Matthew J. Coultrip___