“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    Conflict Coolers Consulting         Report Date: 11/2/00                          



Meeting Dates:    November 1, October 28                                                                                              


Absences:      none                                                                                                     




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

We talked about the changes that we need to do so that Chet will accept our program.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

We have decided some of the things that we are going to do to change the pitch presentation so that it will be more effective and more in the area of what Chet is looking for.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

We are going to meet again on November 5 to get further along on the ideas that we have for our final presentation.  Also, we are going to develop our specific training program that we will do with the class.




Submitted by:  _____Matthew J. Coultrip___________