“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    “Customers Come First”                                         Report Date:    08/19/00                     



Meeting Dates: Every Tuesday at 5:30pm in the library                                                                                                


Absences: No Absentees                                                                                                      




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                               (Use additional page if necessary)

We decided that our team name was not a major priority to be worrying about.  We thought that our slogan could be an excellent team name so that is what we chose to use.  Our main focus at this meeting was preparing the five questions that we are going to use for our personal interviews with customer service managers or representatives.  Heaven might not be able to partake in any of the personal interviews so to better educate herself she is looking at all the stores web sites and trying to find their customer service information that they post on the web. 


Discussion of Team Work Process:

Our group is working well together in the terms of what we want to do for the project.  The main confrontation that we have is trying to find time to meet at a decent time to get ourselves organized for everyone but we think that we came up with a solution.  The next time we meet we are going to split into groups and work on different parts of our presentation in order to organize our information.  We feel that dividing up the jobs will ease the meeting and make it run smoother. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


We are heading to Galesburg within the next week and a half to do our personal interviews with the customer services departments:

Tracy, Ken and Amanda: Target, Wal-Mart, Staples, ShopKo

Kathy, Amber and Heaven: Sears, JCPenney, Bergners and K-Mart


We will be asking these five questions:

1.      What kinds of training program for customer service did you receive when beginning your job?

2.      What policies do you have in dealing with customer complaints? (For example, return policies)

3.      Are there any incentive programs for upset or irate customers? (To keep them happy!)

4.      What would your store do in the following scenario?

A customer was walking down the isle, when they accidentally bumped the shelf causing an item to fall off and break.  What is your policy?

5.      If you were to start your own training program, what would your main focus be and why?


In our next meeting we are going to review these answers as well as begin to work on our pitch presentation and paper!


Submitted by: Tracy McKeown and Amanda Louck