“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name: Group #4                               Report Date:                           



Meeting Dates:  Every Tuesday at 5:30 in Hewes Library.                                                      


Absences: Heaven, Amber.  (Amber notified us prior.)                                                  




Summary of Discussions / Work Done:                                   (Use additional page if necessary)

Kathy and Amber went to their stores on Monday to collect data.   The stores are Bergner's, Sears, K-Mart, and JC Penney’s.  They gathered very useful data to help us with our future plans.  We have roughly organized our thoughts in developing our pitch presentation.  Although it will be much easier when Tracey, Amanda and Ken go out and collect their data on Thursday.   After that our paper should fall together nicely.



Discussion of Team Work Process:

We are working pretty well together despite occasional absences.  We feel that Sundays meeting will be very productive and all in all a great teamwork day.  We are planning to divide our tasks that need to be accomplished evenly throughout the entire group.  The product pitch looks as though Ken will be our primary spokesperson but with a total group contributions.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

On Thursday the 28th, Amanda, Ken and Tracey we be going out in to collect our data, to contribute to the group.  Also there is a mandatory meeting on Sunday Oct. 1st at 3:00pm in the Hewes Library.  In this meeting the two groups will present information to everyone else.  We also will work on researching statistics on customer service and call the stores Kathy and Amber went to and ask for statistics on the customer service.  Last but not least, we are preparing our presentation for Chet and Mc Consulting.




Submitted by:  Ken Spranger___________________________________