“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form



Team Name:    Customers Come First                                  Report Date:   November 2, 2000



Meeting Dates:  Tuesdays at 5:30pm                                                                                                   


Absences: Heaven Walker, Ken Spranger, Amber Zaborac                                                                                                                 




Summary of Discussions / Work Done: (Use additional page if necessary)


The first thing we discussed were our meeting times when we will concentrate solely on our Final Project.  We are meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, Wednesday, Nov. 8 and Tuesday, Nov. 14 @ 5:30pm.  On Tuesday the 7th we plan to pull our final ideas together.  On Wednesday the 8th we are going to work through the final paper.  On Tuesday the 14th we will do the entire presentation and critique each other in a good manner in order to improve our group’s image.  We will then discuss any final touches that night and be ready to give an excellent presentation on Wednesday, November 15th! 



Discussion of Team Work Process:


Unfortunately our team hasn’t had a meeting with all team members present in a while due to conflict of schedules.  We are hoping to be very efficient and effective in these next few meetings considering they are very critical meetings for our group.  We have divided the work up among all members in the group and we will put it all together at the 7th and 8th meetings.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


We have some great ideas as to how we can give a good presentation to our trainees as well as Chet.  We are planning on having surveys that we will have for the trainees in their provided folders, which is another project we are working on putting together.  These surveys will be given at the beginning of our first session and we will have them redo them again at the end of the last session and see if their perspectives have changed on Customer Service.   We are also going to have evaluations and brochures.  We have a lot of great ideas and now all we have to do is put everything into prospective and get it completed.



Submitted by: Tracy McKeown, Amanda Louck, and Kathy Overbeek