Future Leadership Advancement Group

Who, What, Where




Who:   The Future Leadership Advancement Group (FLAG) will market its training services to all positions in small to medium sized companies.  The majority of the sessions will be catered to a mix of managers and their lower level employees.  However, we feel it will be beneficial to all involved to hold one or two sessions separated by position.


What:  FLAG’s intends to provide training in effective superior-subordinate communication to the benefit of all members of a company.  We feel that it is crucial to a company’s success that all employees practice open communication on every level.  Through sessions in leadership, interpersonal communication, and teambuilding, FLAG will be able to boost the overall morale in a company – thereby boosting efficiency and productivity across all employee levels.  FLAG trainers know that the basic aspects of communication can often be overlooked or neglected in the workplace.  However, this is where the lines of communication cannot be hindered, or respect, proficiency, and even simple friendliness can disappear from the environment.  No company can afford to lose such important aspects of company activities.


Where:  The Group will focus its marketing efforts in urban and suburban areas that are home to various companies of our target size.  It is important to our company that we concentrate on several companies in a single area before moving on to another, similar area.  This will make our training programs cost and time efficient for both our company, and the companies with whom we are currently working.