Team #1 (Beth, Jenny, Craig & Matt)



General Objectives


We have divided our overall topic, which is Effective Superior-Subordinate Communication, into three subtopics.  Those subtopics are leadership, interpersonal communication, and team building.  We developed three general objective tasks for each subtopic. 


After our leadership training sessions, we would like our trainees to be able to identify different leadership styles, recognize and evaluate their own, personal leadership style, and, finally, acquire the necessary knowledge to deal with different types of leaders.


After our interpersonal training sessions, we would like our trainees to have learned to practice effective listening skills, be able to give and receive constructive feedback, and have the ability to recognize differences in status and position among members of their company.


Following the teambuilding segment of our training session, our trainees should recognize the skills and roles of other individuals in a team setting, practice employee empowerment, and learn to create a sense of synergy among a group.


We have yet to determine the specific steps our trainees will take to perform these tasks, but we have decided that these basic objectives are a good place to begin our training process.