“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 3



Team Name: Future Leadership Advancement Group (FLAG) Report Date:  9/20/01                           


Meeting Dates This Week: Monday, September 17; Tuesday, September 18                                                                                               


Absences:  9/17 ~ Jenny      9/18 ~ Matt, Craig                                                                                                           




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

We developed our general goals in lab on Monday.  We broke down our three subcategories (leadership, interpersonal communication, and teambuilding) into three tasks that we would like to see our trainees accomplish by the end of our training sessions.  We also finally chose a name for our group, which we found applicable to our training topic, and patriotic too!  We also began discussion about specific ideas for session activities and set-up.  For instance, we have decided it might prove more effective to develop one leadership session that divides the superiors from the subordinates.  We think it is important for superiors to be able to understand their personal leadership style and how their way of managing affects their employees.  We also think it is crucial for subordinates to be able to recognize, and effectively deal with all different types of leaders in an organization.  Yet, we do not feel that these are topics that would be beneficial to both groups together.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

We are now beginning to work on the specific activities we would like to do in our training sessions and begin to develop a rough outline for the programs.  We are all doing are own individual research on our topics and we will meet next week to discuss and further develop our plans so they will correlate with our objectives.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

A new strength we have identified in our group is that when we work together, we are very task-oriented.  We have little trouble focusing on the issues at hand without jumping steps, lagging behind or going off track completely.  A weakness we have discovered is that it is difficult for our group to find a meeting time that we can all work with.  We try to meet with as many of us as possible in order to keep up work, but we all have very busy schedules.  I think we are close to finding a set time to meet each week.




Submitted by:          Beth Tourek