“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 3



Team Name:              FLAG                 Report Date: 9/27/01                    



Meeting Dates This Week: September 24, 25, 27                                                                                                 


Absences: 24th ~ Matt          25th ~ Matt                                                                                                  




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

We spent the lab period researching our topics and found many articles relating to our sessions.  We ordered some articles from inter-library loan to help us as well.  During our next meeting, we began concrete discussion on our presentation.  We made an outline of how we would like it to go.  We also shared our ideas on our specific session topics.  Each one of us is working on a portion individually, and then we look at the information together and develop it as a group.  We spent the bulk of this meeting writing the paper and beginning our power point presentation.  We assigned portions of the paper to work on individually that coordinated with our research; we planned to revise it as a group to unify it.  The third meeting was spent polishing our parts of the paper and finishing up our power point. 



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

We are spending the weekend looking over and revising our work based on our own opinions since several of us will not be here.  We are meeting on Sunday to finalize everything.  We are also all working on specific training activities to help teach our topics.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

A strength we have is that most of us have been working very hard and have put a lot into our project.  We are excited about what we are doing and are determined to make this as professional as possible.  We also have plans to go above and beyond the required work and do some extra things for the project that we will not disclose just yet. 


A weakness we have is that we are not all putting the same amount of work into this project and some people are frustrated with the workload they are left with when others aren’t doing their part.  Hopefully we can work through this, however.




Submitted by:  Beth Tourek