“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 8



Team Name:              F.L.A.G.            Report Date:  November 10, 2001                   



Meeting Dates This Week:  November 5th, November 6th, and November 8th


Absences:      5th ~ Matt, 6th ~ Craig                                                                                                     




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

We spent the first two meetings compiling our research and formulating our activities and handout materials for our product report.  We also brainstormed some presentation ideas such as whose activities we should use, who should present each part, etc.  We also spent this time putting the Product Report together in final form so we can turn it in early.  The last meeting was spent revising our previous work for typos, possible improvements, etc.  Additionally, we printed out our overheads and training materials to pass out to the class Monday afternoon.  At this meeting, we also finalized who would present which portion of the presentation on Monday.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

We plan to meet again on Sunday evening to do a run through of the presentation so everything will run smoothly.  We also will use this time to finalize our Product Report and put together our training packets to pass out to the class at Monday’s presentation.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

Our team has become very focused as of late and we are very productive when we meet together in groups.  We are very confident that our presentation will run smoothly and that our Product Report will be right on target.  The only small problem is that we sometimes have trouble getting work in on time.  It’s all done now though! 




Submitted by:  _______Beth Tourek________