“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report #  _1_



Team Name:   EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)                                                       Report Date:       9-7-2001                   



Meeting Dates This Week: Monday, Sept. 3 (2:00 p.m.) and Wednesday, Sept. 5 (8:00 p.m.)                                                                                             


Absences:                NONE                                                                                            




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)


Monday, Sept. 3 the team met to discuss a topic.  We first debated whether to use conflict management; however, after serious consideration we, as a team, decided it best to follow a different approach since this field is difficult to break down and it does not play a huge role in today’s market.  We decided that since negotiating is a widening field in today’s market and there is much demand for it, it would be best to concentrate on this area because it would increase MC Consulting profits.


Wednesday, Sept. 5 the team met at 8:00 p.m.  Each team member had at least two sources, some had more, with which to share regarding negotiating.  With this accomplished the team was able to narrow the training field into a specific category.  The team has decided to concentrate on women and negotiating.  This field will prove to be profitable for MC Consulting because the training we will provide is easily adaptable to several situations.  For instance, we could focus on women in college before entering the work force, women and law, women in the work place.  However, the team still needs to decide which categories we would like to present to Chet.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


Monday, Sept 3 it was agreed by the team that each individual would research the topic of negotiating and at the meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 5 the team will share the results and narrow the topic.


Wednesday, Sept. 5 the team has narrowed its topic to women and negotiating.  During our next meeting (Monday, Sept. 10) we plan to decide which categories (or which fields we will be able to adapt this to) we will focus our training on that deals with women and negotiating.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

The teams’ strengths are as follows:  each individual member works well with one another.  We each listen as one expresses their concerns, questions, and ideas.  We all consider everyone’s ideas and collectively decide which approach to take as a team.  Each team member has done her assigned work for when it is due and has met at the scheduled meeting times.


Our weaknesses are as follows: lack of education on negotiating.  It was difficult for us to narrow our topic at first because we didn’t know much about the field of negotiating which made the team unsure of the best approach to take.  However, with further education on our training topic the team will be to figure out the best way to present this. 




Submitted by:  _____________EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)______________________