“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report #  _8_



Team Name: EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)                                                       Report Date:  11-9-01                   



Meeting Dates This Week: Monday, Nov. 05 (2:00-4:00 p.m.), Tuesday, Nov. 06 (8:30-10:30 p.m.), Wednesday, Nov. 07 (8:30-10:00 p.m.)


Absences:                NONE                                                                                            




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     


  Monday, Nov. 05 the team met from 2-4:00 p.m. to continue expanding the modules.  We completed a rough draft of two modules and all agreed to work on two modules each independently.  This will hopefully speed the work process along. 


Tuesday, Nov.06 the team met at 8:30 p.m. and members completed their assigned work.  We shared our modules with one another and each took turns making corrections, asking questions, and giving insight to make the modules better.  We also each took time working on appendixes that correlates with our training activities and exercises. 


Wednesday, Nov.07 the team met at 8:30 p.m. and finished adding the last modules to the program.  We edited and revised the modules other team members completed on their own.  We also worked on developing our appendixes for the modules.  We emailed the modules to our professor; therefore they will not be seen in this report. It is our hope that the professor looks at the modules critically and gives us insight as how to strengthen our program.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


Monday, Nov. 05 we each are to have two modules fully completed with description, objectives, and training techniques and methods ready for Tuesday's meeting.


Tuesday, Nov. 06 the team members each agreed to finish one module (same as above) in order for our project to become complete. 


Wednesday, Nov. 07 the team agreed to begin thinking of which modules they would like to present to the other consulting teams on Monday, Nov. 19.  Each member is to be prepared to explain to the other team member's reasons they would like to present the module(s) they chose.  It is our hope that we will be able to limit and narrow our options to begin preparing for our training program.


Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


The teams’ strengths are as follows:  each individual member continues to work well with one another by listening to each other's ideas and criticisms.  We learned that sometimes it is easier to get more work accomplished when each member does a separate portion of the work.  For instance, when we each developed the modules on our own it was easier wording topics and formulating ideas, and more was accomplished faster.  And each member is still taking her job seriously. 


Our weaknesses are as follows: staying motivated and focused to complete our tasks.  But we are slowly passing through this phase. 




Submitted by:  _____________EFN (Educate, Facilitate, Negotiate)______________________