Objectives and Target Trainees for Group #3

Cari Goff, Sudipta Roy, Katie Mirksy


Concrete description of trainees:

          Our trainees should be front line managers of business organizations. These trainees will have at least a bachelor’s degree and a good grip of basic communication skills. Trainees should have an adequate knowledge of how their individual organizations function and should be attending this training program with the best interest of their organizations in mind.



·        They will be better able to listen and comprehend what is said.

·        They will improve communication up and down the chain of command.

·        They will be clear in delivering their messages and reach better clarity in receiving messages.

·        They will have the ability to recognize problems before the problem gets out of hand.

·        They will have knowledge that will enable them to communication through the problem.

·        They will be able to identify possible solutions to the problem and understand all consequences and benefits of each possible solution.

·        After careful examination of all solutions, they will be able to confidently choose the best solution.

·        If the problem warrants, the trainees will know when they have exhausted all of their avenues and need to seek outside help.