“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 1



Team Name:  Team # 3               _____ Report Date: September 7, 2001



Meeting Dates This Week: We met on Monday 9/3 as well on Wednesday 9/5 and Thursday 9/6 via email.



Absences: None                                                                                                             



Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)


We have decided on a topic, which is conflict resolution.

We have been looking at internet sites and talking to professors about the many different sub-parts of that

topic. Within this large topic we are looking primarily into communication, problem solving skills, mediation,

and others. We have been really hard at work on getting the research to support our training and figuring out a

fun, and effective way of getting our message across.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            As of today we are still doing somewhat of an independent work on the internet, reading books,etc. Once we have the means needed  to formulate a plan that will be our next step.



Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            Right now our team is extremely task oriented and we are all on the same page with what exactly we are doing. We have all been working hard independently and that is showing when we get together. We have our own great ideas and they are coming together rather well. The only thing that we might be lacking on is our resources as of right now, but that will be changing. We also need to get together outside of class one of these days and get all of out info in one place. We are all extremely busy people, and that will be a challenge, but I am extroadinarily confident that we can get the job done to the best of our abilities. Some more of our strengths are the ability to get along well, the ability to communication well with each other via email as well as face to face, and our ability to be creative in what we are doing. We are a great group of people and we will be successful.





Submitted by:   Katie Mirsky______________________