“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report  # 8



Team Name: CKS Resolutions                               Report Date: November 9, 2001



Meeting Dates This Week:  Sunday November 4th, Monday November 5th (in lab), Tuesday November 6th, and

Thursday November 8th.


Absences: None



Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

            We put all of the finishing touches on our Pitch Paper and got that handed in. We are concentrating on our modules right now and we have successfully gotten the first three done with one more to go. We also have decided which module we are going to teach. Our program outline has been redone with all of our changes that were incorporated into our new pitch paper.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            Our next major assignment will be to get our module ready to execute. We are working on getting the activities ready, any worksheets we need prepared, and our power point presentation together. Our main priority will be the training session, but we are also going to get our paper done early in order to turn it in for an evaluation. We are working hard on the evaluation section of the paper and are all hoping to be done by Wednesday November 14th. That is the imaginary due date that we have set for ourselves.


Our Assessment of Team Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            We are getting better at staying on track. We are realizing just how much work has to get done and just how little time we have to get it done, so our noses are to the grindstone. The one weakness we still hold to is our horrible schedules. We are having a hard time scheduling meeting times for all three of us, so sometimes we are holding meeting with only two instead of three, which works better because there is less room for distraction. We are all pretty confident in the work we are turning out and are looking forward to getting it done.


Submitted by: Katie Mirsky