“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # _1_



Team Name:  Group #1 (until we come up with a more creative name)                  Report Date: 9/4/03                          



Meeting Dates Since Last Report:  meeting after class on 9/3/03                                                                                               


Absences: Laura Haumiller (not in class)                                                                                                     




Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:                  (Use additional page if necessary)

We modified our team work contract and approved a final draft.  We also added some more specifics to our preliminary client profile, such as how many staff members work under each manager, and what each manager hopes to gain from the training session.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

We are going to begin our research on group communication skills and narrow our topic this weekend.



Our Assessment of Our Team’s Work and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

All in all, our group is working well together.  We have stayed on task and completed our work in a timely manner.  The only problem the team forsees at this point is ensuring that every member is present at every meeting, as it will be difficult to get everyone together outside of class.  Our goal is to schedule a set group meeting time for every week, thereby reducing the chances that an individual may have to miss a meeting or will forget.




Submitted by:  _Autumn McGee__________________________________