SEM Conflict Management 
A Division of MC Consulting 


Training Product Description

The Three W’s


WHO:  Our prospective clients are Colleges and Universities. They will be providing us with the people that will be in our training sessions. The College or University will hire us to train their people. The people that we are going to be training are Head Residents, Hall Directors, Resident Assistants, and possibly even Professional Residence Life Staff.


WHAT:  Our program would be mainly aimed towards conflict resolution in a residence hall setting. Conflict Management is an important part of residential living and it is very important for those who are living in and directing the halls to be able to quickly and effectively resolve conflicts. The sessions will have three main parts; Detecting a conflict early on, dealing with the conflict at hand, and lastly conflict aftermath. This will be the brunt of our training sessions.


WHERE:   As we talked about in our Who statement, our trainees will come from various Colleges and Universities across the countries. Each school would have to fill out a questionnaire ahead of time so that we could tailor the training program to their school, because each college and university is different in its size, people, and programs. The program will have a general format, but the questionnaires will help us specialize the program for each school.


Steve Crabtree

Matt Troha

Evan Constantinides