MC Consulting

Team Contract


The Chetinators


·        Our team will not have a formal leader.  We are upperclassmen capable of evenly contributing to the efforts of our projects.


-We will take turns writing the reports.   Finished reports will be given to Missy, who is the liaison between the group and Chet.


·        We will collectively make decisions; if no consensus can be reached, the majority will determine the outcome.


·        Because the members of the Chetinators are involved in sports and organizations on campus, meetings will be set at times when the entire group can be present.


·        After the completion of each team meeting, the team will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the group during that particular meeting.   While being considerate, this is a time to express the strengths and weaknesses of individuals and the group as a whole.  After this period, the team will discuss the progress of the project at this meeting and what the Chetinators will do at the next meeting.  This will also be an opportune time to discuss possible frustrations/complaints that group members may have with one another.


·         Members are expected to pull their own weight, therefore if there is a problem pertaining to member performance we will address the issue and find the reasoning for lack of effort and determine if further consequences are necessary. 


·        All members can keep in touch via phone or e-mail.  Absences will be notified to the liaison in advance; however work is still expected to be completed on time and fully.  In the event of an emergency, the remaining group members will decide if an extension is necessary or other teammates will compensate for team member’s absence.  


·        All possible excuses will be reported to the liaison and will then be discussed at the next group meeting to determine if the absence is excused or not. 



·        Conditions and Procedures pertaining to a member’s removal


o    Continuously missing group meeting without proper notification

o    Continuously coming to meetings unprepared

o    The group will decide if/when removal is necessary based the frequency of the regulations mentioned above.