“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 1


Team Name:        Team # 2                Report Date:  Monday, September 06, 2004                           



Meeting Dates Since Last Report:  0                                                                                             


Absences: 0                                     


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     


Today we began, and completed our team contract.  This contract addresses the following criteria:  managing working relationships, dealing with conflict, maintaining accountability, task completion, day, time and location of regularly scheduled meetings, and what is expected of each group member.  We also assigned a liaison and discussed what that title entails.  Crystal Lang will be the liaison between Mr. Chet Amagan, of MC Consulting, and the team.  Her job requires creating the weekly reports and ensuring that each group member receives a copy.  She is also responsible for sending the reports to Mr. Amagan (or his assistant Mr. McGaan) on a weekly basis. 

            During our meeting we also discussed the bibliography that is due on Friday, September 10, 2004.  As a group we decided to research on our own and compile the information on Tuesday or Wednesday. 



  • Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


  • Nikki Fisher- Took on the role of the Secretary during our meeting on Monday, September 06, 2004.  Nikki jotted down the ideas we had for our contract.  Then she typed the compiled information and emailed each of the group members a copy of the final copy.  ~Research for bibliography.
  • Lindsay Clark- Research for bibliography.
  • Kimi Karau-   Research for bibliography.
  • Crystal Lang- Create weekly report to turn into Mr. Amagan.  Send report to all of the group members.  Make any revisions necessary ~ Research for bibliography.


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


The assessment of our team work was positive.  All team members have worked cooperatively over the course of the past week.  A strength that our group possesses is that we are all very organized students, and together we will create a terrific training program.  Our weakness is conflicts in schedule.  Many of the team members are busy with other type of group assignments.  Working in a team is more efficient, however much more time consuming.  We are confident that we can manage our time wisely and tend to our tasks as needed. 


Submitted by:  Crystal C. Lang