“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team 2 – Report # 2


Team Name:    C.H.E.T.                      Report Date:  September 17, 2004                    



Meeting Dates Since Last Report:    2 meetings                                                                                               


Absences: 0, 0,                                     


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     

On Monday the group met to discuss the items on the agenda for Tuesday’s lab.  We talked about how we will go about constructing the outline for our Product

Pitch and what parts we need to gather more information for in order to clarify things. We also were able to find some potential ice breakers and other forms that we could use during our program.   During this meeting our team developed a clever name  for our team project.  We have decided to call our team C.H.E.T. “Communicating to Help Employee Teamwork!”

On Tuesday, September 14, 2004 Team C.H.E.T. began developing an outline for our  Product Pitch. We also discussed doing some more research to include in our introduction and possibly scheduling a meeting for Wednesday night to review this


On Wednesday night we met briefly to go over the changes that a few of the team members had suggested.  We found a few glitches in our rough draft but we seemed to work through them with out a problem.  During this meeting we also discussed the possibility of expanding our training program into the higher education system as well.  We feel that colleges and Universities would greatly benefit from a problem solving training program such as this one.  It would be especially helpful to juniors and seniors who are beginning job searches. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Monday, September 13, 2004:


  • Each group member was assigned to read over the lab notes and be prepared to discuss the items of the Needs Assessment on Tuesday in lab.  Also, each group member was assigned to brain storm different types of selling strategies that we could potentially use in selling this product to clients.  We were also assigned to think of questions that Chet would be able to answer on Tuesday. 


Tuesday, September 14, 2004:

  • Nikki Fisher:  Acted as the team secretary for the day.  Nikki took the initiative and began typing out the outline for our Product Pitch.
  • Lindsay Clark, Kimi Karau and Crystal Lang:  Assisted in creating the introduction.  Each group member contributed her ideas to the paper.  We also helped to make sure that all of the listed criteria for the introduction were being addressed.
  • All group members were assigned the task of further researching the material to specify the evidence and support that we have.  We want to make sure that the objective is clear and we meet that objective.
  • Crystal finalized the rough draft of the Product Pitch for Friday, September 17, 2004.  She acted as secretary to make sure that everyone’s changes were made.   
  • All group members were assigned to do the Needs Assessment Analysis for class on Monday. 



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


Our largest conflict this week was time management.  All of the team members have very busy schedules and are trying to work to the best of our abilities.  Stress was definitely a factor in this week’s assignment.  The strength that we had this week was that all of the group members managed to work efficiently on the task at hand and include their opinions and ideas.  It was great to have full team participation! Great work team C.H.E.T.!



Submitted by:  Crystal C. Lang