“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # 2  Report Form

Report # 4


Team Name: C.H.E.T. “Communicating to Help Enhance Teamwork   Report Date: October 1, 2004                      



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:

Monday September 27, 2004 : 2pm 

Tuesday September 28, 2004: 2 pm

Thursday September 30, 2004: 2 pm                                                                                            


Member Absences: None, None, One                                                                                                                                                                               


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

Monday September 27, 2004 – Team CHET met today and discussed the changes that

need to be made to the Learning objectives and the product pitch.  There are just a few minor adjustments that need to be made in order to be prepared for our presentation for Chet next week.  We also began talking about the elements that will make up the bulk of our training program and how we are going to clearly identify the competitive edge that our team has! We Also briefly talked about an idea for an informational packet that we would like to distribute

to all of our customers.

Tuesday September 28, 2004 – Team CHET met during lab time today to work on

finalizing the product pitch document, reviewing the learning objectives, creating a

brochure for our program and beginning the power point presentation for our Pitch.  A

lot was accomplished!  Great job team!  We also went over some questions with Prof.

McGaan that needed to be addressed. 

Thursday September 30, 2004 – On Wednesday after class, the team liasian arranged for

team CHET to meet with Prof. McGaan the following day.  During this meeting Prof.

McGaan reviewed the revised Product Pitch and made comments on the material.  The

session was very beneficial to the team.  The expectations of the pitch and the

presentation are now much more clear.  After the meeting , the team continued to work

together on improving the pitch and sketching out the power point presentation.



Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:



ü      Lindsay Clark:  Find solid research and quotes that we can use in our product pitch for Tuesday Lab.

ü      Kimi Karau:  Find more icebreakers and handouts that we could possibly use for Tuesday Lab.

ü      Nikki Fisher:  Retype handouts for Tuesday Lab and look over learning objectives.

ü      Crystal Lang: Make changes on the Product Pitch to clarify How Team CHET will be a step above the rest of the competing teams and why.




ü      Lindsay Clark and Kimi Karau:  Begin the Power Point Presentation layout

ü      Nikki Fisher:  Create Brochure for CHET training program

ü      Crystal Lang and Nikki Fisher: Fix the learning objectives and change some areas of the Product Pitch



ü      Lindsay Clark:  Work on adding items to the power point presentation

ü      Kimi Karau: Contact sources to get copies of handouts for ice breakers, personality tests etc.

ü      Nikki Fisher: Finish Brochure and begin flyer.  Create team CHET logo

ü      Crystal Lang: Finalize Product Pitch and send to all group members


    Sunday October 3rd, 2004 the Product Pitch is to be finalized! Team CHET will meet @ 7:00 pm in the Library to complete.   We will use lab time on Tuesday to practice our pitch and go over any other details.  All group members should brainstorm and bring ideas for the program outline to the meeting Sunday.


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


Team CHET accomplished a great deal this week.  There were a few obstacles pertaining to scheduling and assigned tasks that we were confronted with.  However, CHET worked collectively to overcome those obstacles. Our greatest strength this week was delegation of tasks and having all team members working toward a common goal. Al team members are putting forth a significant amount of effort to make things work. We are working together as one, and putting personal issues aside, to create a fabulous pitch! 



Submitted by:  Crystal C. Lang