“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team 2 Report Form – Report # 5


Team Name: C.H.E.T. “Communicating to Help Employee Teamwork”   Report Date:  Friday October 15th, 2004                     


Meeting Dates Since Last Report:  3 meetings


Monday October 11th,2004

Tuesday October 12th, 2004

Wednesday October 13th, 2004


Absences:   None, One, One                                              

Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     


 Monday October 11, 2004-


Team members gathered in Bowers Hall for their regularly scheduled meeting.  Last week we had a terrific wuccess with our product pitch.  The team all agreed that their hard work and dedication was well worth the sweat!  We also discussed what went well with in our product pitch and what could have used some improvement.  We agreed that there was some stumbling over words that occurred and we may have wanted to be more specific in the actual pitch with the CONTENT of the program.  This evaluation will help us in preparation for the actual training program.  On Monday we also went over the study guide for this week’s midterm and answer any questions that may arise. 


Tuesday October 12, 2004-


Team CHET received notification that their problem solving training program got a big thumbs up from

President Chet Amagan.  During lab time, the team went over the notes that Chet made on the Product Pitch and the Presentation

critique.  Team CHET Was very pleased with the results of the pitch.  They look forward to working on the remaining part of the Problem

Solving program! Team CHET decided to meet again tomorrow @ 2 pm, to complete their sample module. 


Wednesday October 13, 2004-   


Nikki Fisher, Lindsay Clark and Crystal Lang met and completed the sample module that is due on

October 15, 2004.  We discussed which objective we should focus this module on an agreed that Small Group Roles would be a good objective to use.  With in this module, the team attempted to use training resources and come up with some creative ways to display this information to the trainees. After finishing our rough draft of the sample module, we talked about deadlines for the program part of this project.  We all agreed that we should individually come up with ideas for all of our objectives.  By doing so we can brainstorm the next time we meet as to how we should lay out our plan and how to address our objectives.  Kimi was unable to attend this meeting due to work conflicts.  


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:


ü      Each of the group members were assigned to take time and review the suggestions that President Amagan made on the Product pitch. 

ü      Each group member was assigned to think of active training techniques that would be helpful in the development of their module.

ü      Each group member should take an active part in outlining the Program modules to fit the objectives

ü      Any changes that need to be made to the Product Pitch must be submitted to the Team Liaison by Friday October 15, 2004.

o       All changes will be made by Tuesday October 19th by Crystal, and resent to the team members. 


* Team CHET will be presenting to the class (trainees) on November 16th, 2004!* 



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


            Due to midterms, this week was somewhat hectic for the group members.  Our teamwork this week was pretty decent; however we could have delved into the program modules a little more. Team CHET celebrated their successes thorough sending emails to group members congratulating them on a job well done and pointing out the good points and the need to be improved points. Our strength in teamwork this week revolved around our positive outcome of the product pitch!  One weakness we had this week was with scheduling, as usual. The task progress was average this week.  Normally team CHET gets ahead of the game however a weakness we encountered was that we did not have time to work on each module. A strength we encountered was in evaluating our Product Pitch. This brought tour attentions some key areas that were phenomenal and others that need improvement.  Overall, it was an average week. 


Submitted by: Crystal C. Lang