“Quality Communication Consultations”

Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 6



Team Name: C.H.E.T. “Communicating to Help Employee Teamwork               


Report Date:  Friday October 23rd, 2004                        


Meeting Dates since Last Report: 2


Tuesday October 19th, 2004

Wednesday October 20th, 2004                                                                                               


Absences: No absences                                   


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:     


Tuesday October 19th, 2004- Team CHET met during our lab to go over the

Changes for the Product Pitch and the corrections made to our sample module.

During this time we also created an outline for our modules.  We decided to

Schedule our meeting with Prof. McGaan for October 27th, 2004 @ 3:00 p.m. 


Wednesday October 20th, 2004- After our lecture team CHET met in the lab to

Work on developing Module # 3(Learning Methods).  Together we brainstormed ideas to use in our module. This module was centralized around objectives 1 & 2.  Team CHET has now completed 2 sample modules.  We anticipate developing the remaining modules next week after we receive feedback from Prof. McGaan on Wednesday. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Nikki Fisher- Created an outline for Module # 3.  This was used as the basis of module # 3.

Lindsay Clark- Took on a secretarial role during our meeting on Wednesday and recorded all of our ideas.  She then took on the responsibility of typing the module. 

Kimi Karau- Translated information to the secretary while compiling information. 

Crystal Lang- Researched ideas for icebreakers, energizers, concluding activities to keep the training program active. 


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):


Our assessment of teamwork and task progress has remained positive during the course of this week.  The principal strength team CHET displayed this week has been our ability to stay focused on the task at hand.  We have concentrated our efforts on developing the modules and remembering to identify the objectives of our program.  The greatest weakness team CHET has faced this week scheduling!  Each team member has other priorities and we have not had much spare time to work on our program.  Due to fall break, we also loose a few days of work next week.  We will have to work around conflicts to get this project done on time. 



Submitted by: Crystal C. Lang