MC Consulting


Group #3 Client Profile


  • These superiors that we will be training will come from a wide variety of industries.  Places like UPS, Maytag, Caterpillar, etc. can send there newly hired supervisors to MC Consulting for superior/subordinate communication training.
  • These newly hired superiors will deal directly with the subordinate workers and pass instructions, memos, and motivational tactics on to their staff.  They have a good chunk of responsibly because they are the channel between the upper management and the entry level workers.
  • These superiors are most likely to have a form of higher education (B.A., Masters).  These supervisors have no hands on experience on the job yet, but have read about management skills during their school days.  We will teach them to use some very concrete skills that will help them along when they are on the job.
  • These superiors have little to no training.  We will be responsible for molding their managerial ways.
  • The age range for these new supervisors is probably going to from 23-40.  These people will be young enough (and hopefully very energetic) to understand the concepts we will pass along.  Our services are open to all genders, race, age, and education.  This way, MC Consulting can cover a lot of business arenas.
  • These clients are at our training program to learn how to incorporate several communicational skills essential for high-quality management.  They will effectively rely messages down to there subordinates while keeping good terms with their staff.