TJTB Media

Team Contract


Team Members:                   Tony Beausang    *Team Liaison

                                                Jennifer Brooks

                                                Tammy Duerre

                                                Blair Glowacki


Team Expertise:                   Multi-Media/Visual Aids


Team Guidelines:


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed to appoint the position of team liaison to Tony Beausang.  Other members will include the ones listed above.


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed each team member will remain open-minded with each other’s ideas/thoughts.  Each idea/thought, which is represented by team members, will be accepted as well as accustomed to our team plan.


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed any problem(s), which arise, will be discussed with team liaison, Tony Beausang.  If the problem(s) are beyond resolution, our team liaison, Tony Beausang, will consult with the President, “Chet Amagan”, & his assistant Dr. Lee McGaan.


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed to meet weekly with meetings held each Monday & each lab period on Tuesday.  Weekly reports will be composed at each weekly meeting & reports will be given to the President, “Chet Amagan”, & his assistant Dr. Lee McGaan on a weekly basis.


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed that team members who miss weekly meetings should contact our team liaison, Tony Beausang, via phone or e-mail prior to meeting times.  Each missed meeting by team members will be filed and given to the President, “Chet Amagan”, & his assistant Dr. Lee McGaan.


ž      We, TJTB Media, agreed that team members who miss weekly meetings will be notified by our team liaison, Tony Beausang, of information which was missed via phone or e-mail.  Absent team members will be reminded of their obligations signed off based on our team contract.





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Tony Beausang *Team Liaison                                               Date



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Jennifer Brooks            *Team Member                                    Date



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Tammy Duerre *Team Member                                                Date



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Blair Glowacki  *Team Member                                                Date