Consulting Team # 4 Report Form

Report # 1


Team Name:    TJTB                                                      Report Date:                           



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: Tuesday   3-4pm                                                                                              


Member Absences: NONE                                                                                                                                                                             


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:


As a group we went over the outline for the first 2 sections of our pitch/paper. We talked more about what kind of individuals that could use our training program. We tried to narrow our customer profile a little more to reach a specific type of individual. We also looked for some more sources to help us with the pitch.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

By the next lab date we are each to meet with a proxy client. The person we interview needs to be someone who is familiar with the type of people we are going to be training.



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

Our strengths are that we all have good ideas and share them. Not much criticism is used. If someone has an idea we usually expand on it and talk things out. Another strength is that we all get along great. The only problem with getting along so well is that we often find ourselves getting off on tangents.




Submitted by:  ____Tony Beausang_______________________________