Team #1

Client Profile
January 27, 2006


Our trainees come from large business organizations in the corporate world.  Some of examples include:  IBM, Caterpillar and Wal-Mart.  The jobs that the trainees do vary throughout the company.  We designed our program to benefit anyone in the organization, from the person working on the manufacturing line to the CEO.  The level of responsibility that the trainee has in the organization depends on the job that they were hired to perform.  Our program is intended to focus on all educational levels and experiences in the organization.  Our program is arranged to help people who have had little or no previous training to having a lot of training with writing documents inside the organization.  We have set up different training seminars for different people in the organization because the CEO and the factory worker do not need the same training when it comes to writing certain types of memos, letters, reports and e-mails.  Our program does not have specific genders, ages, or demographic characteristics that we are focusing on because we are delivering our program to the entire company.  Most importantly the trainees are at our program because their company has hired us to help communication within the company by improving their skills in writing letters, memos, e-mails and reports.  All new hires and upper management are required to attend the training program and we highly encourage anyone else.  It is up to the company to require anyone else to come to the program; however we feel that it should be required for everyone.  At the end of our program we want the company to work more efficiently and thoroughly in order to keep people within the company and outside informed.  Requests for materials, raises, donations, days off, vacations and promotions will also be covered in the program.  We anticipate that everyone in the organization will be able to write more effective memos, letters, e-mails, and reports.


Keli Foster

Kelsey Graham

Laura Jahn

Erin Luder