Erin, Keli, Kelsey, and Laura

Team 1:  E.L.K.K.

CATA 333 Lab

Professor McGaan

February 7, 2006


Training Objectives


  • At the end of this unit, the trainee will be able to recite and apply the Business Writing Checklist.


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to recognize commonly misspelled words.


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to spell and use business worlds in the correct context. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will identify the difference between professional and personal messages.


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will write more concisely. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to write a professionally styled business letter.


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to apply the 7 C’s of business writing. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will know how to correctly format messages through the use of word processors. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will better understand the needs of their audience and how to address them. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to apply the information they have gathered from this program into future business writing situations. 


  • At the end of this unit the trainee will be able to write effective emails, letters, and memos in order to increase the communication within the organization and in turn increase productivity and profitability.