

“Problem Solving Incorporated”


3 W’s



Who:  Our conflict management programs will best serve small businesses, and small organizations. We will focus on training upper-level management on how to recognize and resolve conflict in the workplace. We’ve developed a training program that will be used in various environments to improve conflict management techniques. Team “P.S.I.” has designed a program that will be targeted at smaller companies and departments in the United States. The target trainees are the management and supervisors of these businesses.


What:  Team “P.S.I.” will utilize the 4 step approach to conflict management in order to meet our objectives. These objectives include:  Explain why conflict arises in the workplace, distinguish between positive conflict and negative conflict, understand that conflict is a healthy and natural occurrence in the work environment, identify effective strategies for a proactive approach to handling conflict, identify managing emotional responses to conflict, provide 4-step for understanding the nature and source of conflict, increase self-confidence, especially in emotional situations involving conflict, help trainees manage conflict in a professional and effective manner, will be able to improve the work place in terms of communication, productivity, and overall efficiency. Also, apply their new conflict management skills in a real-life work experience and pass down their conflict management skills to their subordinates.


Where:  We are interested in marketing this program to business organizations in major cities in the United States. Prior to the actual training program, P.S.I. representatives will meet with company executives to recognize how our program can be altered to their specific needs. We could potentially branch out to: college departments, educational chairs, Caterpillar management offices, as well as many others.



Brian Potter

Natasha Kemmerling

Amber Bowman

Beth Lindberg

Natalie Hall