“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 3



Team Name: PSI   Report Date:  2-9-06                        



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: Tuesday during lab                                                                                               


Member Absences: Beth (due to illness)                                                                                                                                                                              


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

  • We started by brainstorming ideas for our specific objectives
  • We also discussed the 3 W’s
  • We discussed and completed a rough draft of lab #4
    • rough outline of our objectives
    • rough draft of “The Three W’s”


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Natalie: type “The Three W’s”

Brian: get tips from Professor McGaan on our objectives and 3 W’s, finalize, and email final copies

Natasha: finalize objectives and email to all team members

Amber: expand on some specific objectives, type and send weekly report



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

We have decided that we have positive brainstorming sessions because everyone contributes and listen to each other’s constructive criticism.  We are working well together so far!




Submitted by:  Amber Bowman