“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 1



Team Name:   Chet’s Mad Hatters          Report Date:  2-10-06                       



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:   Tuesday Lab Period 2:00 – 4:00 pm_                                                                                                


Member Absences: John – Excused due to military involvement

                                    Audrey – Missed Lab                                                                                                                                                                                         


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

            During this session during lab time, we were able to get many things accomplished.  The first thing that we discussed and finished was our objectives and goals.  We came up with seven well thought out goals that we thought could be measurable and drew upon the large topics of our topic.  We then worked on the Three W’s section of the lab, were able to discuss, and then applied them to our group.  We then discussed some future meeting times that would work out for the team because we are soon approaching the pitch that we will be presenting to Chet.    


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            Rachel is going to type up all of the objectives/goals and email them to McGaan.

            Matthew is going to turn in the team report by Friday.    


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            Our team seems to be working together well.  Now that we have our information, we need to find a way to sell it to Chet.  I think we are going to attack our pitch next week and get a majority of it done.  This is going to be a difficult task, but with some time and group meetings we will get the task accomplished.  I think our biggest fear is not getting our product sold to Chet, but we have looked at some of the other groups’ work in the past and we are starting to build up some confidence.        


Submitted by:  _Matthew Dabbs