“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team Report Form – Report # 1



Team Name:   Chet’s Mad Hatters          Report Date:  2-17-06                       



Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:   Tuesday Lab Period 2:00 – 4:00 pm

   Thursday Night Library 9:00-10:30 pm                                                                                                


Member Absences: John – Excused due to military involvement on Tuesday

                                    Ashleigh – Missed Lab

                                    Rachel – Missed Lab



Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

            Because John, Ashleigh, and Rachel all missed lab on Tuesday for a Job fair at Western, we did not get much accomplished during Tuesday’s lab.  Audrey and I discussed how we were going to separate out the paper part of our pitch.  We were able to separate the paper into sections and I then emailed the team what section they had to have completed prior to our next meeting.  We then discussed some future meeting times that would work out for the team because we are soon approaching the pitch that we will be presenting to Chet.

            On Thursday, everyone came to the meeting and we were able to get a lot accomplished.  We finished the paper part of the assigned pitch and have everyone proofread each other’s work.  We then started working on some slides for each of our sections.  This meeting last about an hour and half.      


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

            Ashleigh - Could you take your Intro Stuff you wrote earlier and put it in a format similar to the example.  Try to get the introduction finished and emailed to Matt, work on slides

Rachel - Could you work on part three the training objectives and organize our objectives similar to the example, email to Matt and begin to work on slides

Audrey - Try to come up with a Program outline (part 4) similar to the example and what we discussed in lab, email to Matt and work on slides

Matt - I will work on the market potential A and B and email the team report on Friday

John - See if you can help Rachel with the training objectives and work on slides


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

            Our team seems to be working together well.  Beside that a lot of people were missing from lab on Tuesday, we were able to put together a good meeting on Thursday.  Our next meeting is this Sunday night and we hope to finish the PowerPoint section of our pitch.  As long as everyone comes to the meeting with his or her given task done, we seem to be doing well.           


Submitted by:  _Matthew Dabbs_________