“Quality Communication Consultations”

Team 1 --Team Contract

·         Michael Coates will be the semi-formal leader of the team and liaison to Chet Amagan. His duties included

o   Keeping the team up to date on when current assignments are due

o   Submitting weekly reports to Chet on time.

o   Focusing the team during the meetings

o   Giving simple reminders about assignments and keeping deadlines enforced.

·         The team will make all decisions collectively and take into account all of the team member’s perspectives into the decisions. If there are any discrepancies, it will be discussed within the group.

·         The team will meet during lab time (Tuesday – 2:00 – 4:00). Any other time will be scheduled as needed. Outside meetings will be scheduled and set accordingly by each team member’s schedule.

·         Credit will be given when it is due. Any team member’s strengths and/or weaknesses will be discussed as they appear.

·         The last fifteen minutes of each meeting will be devoted for the assignment of the duties to each team member and to keep the focus on the big picture. It will also serve as the council time for any conflicts. All team members are expected to be respectful.

·         All assignments (first draft) will be due two days before and turned in via email. The assignment will be then circulated throughout the group for correction, comment, concerns, etc. It is expected that all team members will do their best effort in the work they do.

·         If a team member cannot attend a meeting, he/she must let the team know within twenty-four hours.  Any material (papers, worksheets, etc.) the person must get to the group within the twenty-four window.

·         Three absences, without an excuse, will result in a meeting with Chet Amagan to the direction of the person.

·         If there are any issues that cannot be settled within the group, there is a meeting that must be set with Chet Amagan to discuss further action.

Signed: Michael Coates                Brittany Landon                Sarah Wintersteen      Amanda Fletcher             Carleigh Shannon