“Quality Communication Consultations”

Team 1 Client-Trainee Profile


What industry do the trainees come from?

We will be targeting juniors and seniors at colleges and university as our primary trainees. There will be a secondary audience for the long time unemployed and first time job seekers. We feel this is the best audience for our training program because our program's major objectives are to help our trainees master interview skills. Our target audience is the least likely to posses these skills.


Who will pay us to do this training?

Since our primary target audience is college students we will be selling our program to colleges and universities. We would like to sell the program to organizations similar to the Wackerly Center as well and school to offer as a required seminar to student. We would also like to sell our program to unemployment offices and other organizations that help people to find jobs.


What kinds of jobs do the trainees have? 

Most college students have had part time or seasonal jobs. Some of them have never had a job. Our hope is to provide the students with the interview skills that will help them obtain a full time position.


What is their level of education?

They will be college juniors and seniors.


What are their experiences with your training topic/skills?

Some will have quite a bit of experience and others will have no experience at all. Many will have some basic experience with interviewing but could use some refresher and help mastering interviewing skills.


What are their demographic characteristics?

There will be both males and females ages roughly 19 to 22 as our primary trainees. Many college students are very busy and unwilling to go to a training program like this. It will be important to keep this program fun and interesting.


Why are they at our program?

It would be best to have this as a required event. Many students would be unwilling to go unless it was required. This program will help them master the skills needed for an effective job interview.