“Quality Communication Consultations”


 “Grenade Free Foundation.”

Client Trainee Profile

Group Communication Skills Training

·        The industry that our trainees come from includes employees of moderate to large size businesses. Minimum of 10 employees’, maximum of 100 employees’ may attend the seminar.

·        The company of who we are doing the seminar for would be the ones to sponsor the event.  More specifically, if a company would like to increase sales and productivity and or enhance the work atmosphere of its employees it would contact us and ask us to have a seminar regarding group communication skills.

·        The trainee’s work in small teams or groups to accomplish a specific task within their companies.

·        Their level of education will vary; however, all trainees have at least a college degree. The experience level can vary from entry level positions to management jobs.

·        Within the trainee’s company, there is no requirement for previous education or experience with education skills.

·        The trainee’s suggested minimum age is 21, and no restrictions for gender or demographics. 

·        The employees are required by their companies to attend the seminar to better their group communication skills to increase efficiency and compatibility.

Evan Banks

Kevin Ross

Joe Kay

Patrick McNeil