Organizational Communication

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last updated 9/07/2016


The HR Models grow out of a reaction to the Classical model's over-emphasis on the elements of coordination and control in organizational life.  HR models focus on the needs of the individuals who make up organizations. 

(See the charts in OC, pp. 49 and 53)

Assumptions Common to Managers in Organizations Using the Human Relations Model:

  1. Employee satisfaction is the key to productivity and quality

  2. Open supportive communication enhances satisfaction

  3. Meeting the individual needs of employees is a key goal of management

  4. Managers need to pay close attention to building good relationships on the job

  5. Employees will be motivated to do good work if the work environment permits it.

Keys to Good Human Relations/Resources in the Organization

  1. Good Communication - redundancy, informal networks, few barriers
  2. Clear Performance Goals facilitated with feedback, quick and specific
  3. Meaningful Rewards linked to performance
  4. and a Culture (esp. at mid and upper levels) to support 1, 2, 3.

    Discussion Questions for Thursday -->Tuesday.

    1. Do you believe HR improves productivity?  What elements of HR account for that?

    2. What sorts of communication are improved in an HR managed organization?

    3. What specific features of HR are most useful to organizations?  to employees?  Why?

    4. Make a list of effective communication practices (that is, ones that help the organization accomplish its goals) that can be seen in the Classical and both HR approaches.  How do these practices make organizations work better??

    5. What kinds of things motivate “white collar” workers most effectively?  college students?