JABL Consulting

Problem-solving in Groups”

The 3 W’s


Who: There are many people which can benefit from our program because about in our training program. The main target audiences, which will be benefiting the most from our program about group communication and how to make an effective decision, are leaders throughout many organizations, specifically on college leaders on college campuses. We will be focusing in on Junior and Senior leaders on college campuses throughout the United States. This program can also be effective for other leaders outside the college campus, like major high ranking positions in major companies. These clients will need to be full time college student, with an emphasis on becoming a leader or current a leader in a college setting. The educational level of these clients will need to have a high school diploma with a strong emphasis on becoming a better communicator in a group setting.


What: The major content of our program will be the idea of Group Communication and how effective decisions will be made. The basis of the training program will be from the ideas and research made by Randy Hirokawa. The discussions and information taught will be his theory about how to make effective group decisions in a small group setting. The individuals will learn major ideas of goal setting, analysis of the problem, evaluation of the positive and negative characteristics, and identification of alternatives of the decisions they will be making in a group setting.


Where: Since the major target audience will be Junior and Senior leaders on college campuses, the main location where clients will be found will be on college campuses around the United States. This can range from Community Colleges to major Universities. The clients will be from various organizations on the college campus, which can be captains from sports programs to Presidents of clubs or Greek Life Programs. The main clients will be from these programs or organizations, who want help in making better decisions inside there respected programs.