Elite Consulting

Team #1


Team Contract


We the people of Elite Consulting agree to abide by this contract as stated below:


Our team will not have a formal leader. We will work towards our goals as a collective unit. Therefore each member of our team will share the leadership role. One other quality we require each team member to bring into our group is a positive attitude. Positive Attitudes are a must.  Team members will respect each other and have an open mind to many ideas.  If a team member needs help, be willing to step up and help. Felicia Roberts will take the role as our Liason to Chet and ensure he receives all required information by their assigned dates.


Frustrations and complaints will be voiced at the beginning and end of each team meeting. Also during these meeting each member will voice positive comment from their work week. All concerns are welcomed to be voiced and there will not be any sort of verbal attacks towards any ideas brought to the table. Listening is a skill on our team; not an option. Group decisions will be made collectively.


If a member of our team is working inadequately it will at first be dealt with through the team. Each team member is responsible for their assigned work.  Being prepared is an essential, come with your work.  If assigned work is not completed on the first offense a warning from fellow teammates will be issued.  On the second offense Chet will be notified and further actions will be taken.

Communication is a must for being a part of our team. If for some reason a member will not be able to make a scheduled meeting, they must notify the team is some manner. The preferred method of contact would be via email with at least 24 hours notice. Each absent must have legitimate reasoning.  Legitimate excuses include severe illness, athletics, family affairs, work, or any other excuses deemed valid by the team.

Meetings will be regularly scheduled every Tuesday from 2-4pm. There may also be sporadic meetings held at a different location and time. Advanced warning will be given in this case. Two unexcused absences from team meetings may lead to the dismissal of the offending team member.



Jen Babos



Sarah Kisner



Felicia Roberts



Gianna Sagert



Apryl Wishecoby