The Firm

“Effective Listening” Training

Client Profile


  • Trainees are college students, primarily freshman and transfers

·        The average age of these students are 18-22 years old

  • Trainees will typically have little to no previous experience with training programs due to their young age
  • We will have students who are voluntary as well as involuntary who attend our training program.  We will be reaching the vast majority of our audience through mandatory college orientation programs.  Many voluntary students will be reached through special on-campus programs. 

  • The people in attendance will learn:

    • Why they should care about effective listening
    • How to tune-out distractions and pay attention
    • How to show people they are listening with symbols and body language
    • What makes someone an overall good listener
    • Effective listening skills for everyday life
    • How to take notes in class
    • The key words that a student should listen for when taking notes