“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # 3 Report Form

Report # 5


Team Name:              The Firm                                            Report Date:       October 2, 2007                   


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:     Sunday October 7th at 1:00 in the library                                                                                             


Member Absences:    None                                                                                                                                                                           


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

Today we put all of our sections together in the product pitch paper.  Then we read over it and made corrections to the paper.  We also discussed some possible ideas for how the program outline. 


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

Sunday we will be meeting in the library and working on our PowerPoint, our final product pitch paper, and practicing for our presentation for Tuesday’s lab.  I (Kendra) will not be in class Tuesday so we need to separate the information among the four group members.  Until Sunday we will just be getting more ideas, making corrections/proof reading paper, and adding ideas to others people’s sections.  After Sunday Kim will be meeting with a professor to get ideas on some effective listening games or ideas for our training session.  If this information is useful we will be adding it to our paper and PowerPoint ASAP. 



Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

I think we did a much better job this week getting our sections done and putting them together by the deadline.  Usually our weakness is finding time to get together but we were able to come up with a mutual agreement of Sunday at 1.  So I think we are making many improvements in our group. 



Submitted by:  __Kendra James_________________________________