“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # 4 Report Form

Report #2  


Team Name:   B.A.J.L Consulting                                         Report Date:  September 11, 2007                      


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: 3 (Class and Lab Times)                                                                                       


Member Absences: Jim O’Brien                                                                                                                                                                          


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

The group used the time wisely by successfully completing the required tasks at hand during the third lab time scheduled. The first thing that the group completed was a sketch outline of the first two sections of the group “pitch” paper. This involved an overview of the subject matter the group will be presenting to Chet and some type of evidence, which properly shows that the training in this specific area of communication is likely to improve the organization’s effectiveness. Then the group collaborated together and completed the second half of the “pitch” which involved the “Market Potential.” We need to indicate the type of organization or individuals who could be clients and present a possible selling strategy for the product we are working on and how it will sell. Lastly, we successfully developed a brief “Interview Guide,” which involved questions of the types of people we wanted to interview and the questions we would like to ask them in assisting to determine training need for our potential clients.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

The next time the group meets, the first and most important thing we need to establish is full attendance in all of the scheduled meetings and lab times, and this will only strengthen the quality and efficiency of the group’s progress. We then need to take the questions, which we developed in the “analysis interview guide” and properly go out to potential clients and interview them based on the questions we have created. After this part of the “pitch plan,” we need to contact Professor McGaan about a possible meeting time to discuss the direction we are heading in with our product pitch. 


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

I believe the group is working very well with one another and we all are contributing to the groups positively in our own ways. Unfortunately, Jim could not make it this week but we still informed him and included him on our progress this week. I believe that everyone has put forth enough effort and positive feedback to properly add to the success in the overall groups progression.


Submitted by:  Louie Saccomando