“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # 4 Report Form

Report # 6

Team Name:   B.A.J.L Consulting                                         Report Date:  October 23, 2007                      


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report: 3 (Class and Lab Times)                                                                                       


Member Absences: Brittany Miller                                                                                                                                                                        


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done:

In this lab, the three members of our team discussed what we will be writing for each of the modules in our training program. We have decided that we will be discussing three objectives on the first module, three objectives on the second module, and an overview of the program and conclusion on the third module. We all have broken down what will be the specific learning objectives for each of the modules and have an idea of the methods each module will be incorporating.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

In the next week, the rest of the group will be finishing up the revisions of the first two sections of the product pitch paper. This is important to be completed because this will be resubmitted at the end of the semester, where our group will be presenting to Chet once again for the final pitch. After the group will be revising the sections of the product pitch paper, we all will be coming with more ideas and suggestions on for each of the modules coming up in the next weeks.


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

I believe the group has been working very well with one another in the past week. We have come to decisions as a group and all offer very valuable information in the process of establishing a positive work environment. I still see mostly strengths in this group because everyone has been offered positive feedback to the overall group’s progression. If someone perhaps missed a class period or lab, they have properly contacted the rest of the group of their absence and asked for work to do because he or she was gone.



Submitted by:  Louie Saccomando