“Quality Communication Consultations”


“Action Training, Inc”

Team Contract

We, the people of Action Training, Inc. agree to follow the requirements stipulated in the contract below:


Alissa Diffenderfer will serve as our formal leader. She will delegate tasks between herself and other group members and routinely check on the group’s progress. DeMarkco Butler will serve as our team liaison. He will be responsible for filling out and sending in the weekly progress reports. The limits of our individual autonomy include the requirement to share all information obtained individually with all other group members, and our individual schedules may not provide enough out of class group time.


Frustrations and complaints between individual group members will be discussed between the two outside of group time. Frustrations and complaints with the group will be addressed at the beginning of our group meeting times. We expect concerns to be raised in a professional and respectful manner in order to create a more comfortable and productive working climate. If these concerns stray from our expectations beyond our control, we will consult with Dr. McGaan.


If a group member is performing inadequately it will be detected early during any one of Alissa’s routine checks on each member’s progress. The issue will be addressed and righted immediately. If the problem increases beyond control for the group, there will be a majority rule vote for the inadequate member’s expulsion.


Valid excuses for absences include illness, family emergencies, athletic events, and other academic requirements. If a member is going to be absent they must contact the other group members by email, as well as forwarding any work or research for the meeting to DeMarkco. If time is needed in addition to class and lab time, supplementary meetings will take place on Thursday evenings at 5:30 PM if needed.


If a group member fails to comply with any of the above stipulations they will become eligible for expulsion.



DeMarkco Butler



Alissa Diffenderfer



Amanda Sommers



Molly Stewart



Kyle Tuor