“Quality Communication Consultations”



Consulting Team # _1_ Report Form

Report # 1  .



Team Name:      Action Training Inc.                                                    Report Date:   September 5th, 2008                                                                                                                                                                               .


Meeting Dates/Times Since Last Report:  There have been no meetings since our scheduled lab on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008.                                                                                                


Member Absences: There have been no absences in the Action Training Inc. group.                                                                                                                                                                             


Summary of What Was Discussed / Work Done: 

-          Throughout the start of our class, entering the new school year, right away we as students were excited to start organizational communication.  We all knew that the class was going to be a lot of work, but after seeing the course curriculum and syllabi; we are ready to work hard and end the semester while being ready to work toward our careers.

-          Aug. 27. 2008, was the first day we met as a class, and then decided our teams.  Team 1 consists of: DeMarkco Butler (team liaison and consultant), Alissa Diffenderfer (team leader and consultant), Amanda Sommers (team consultant), Molly Stewart (team consultant) and Kyle Tour (team consultant).  After deciding teams, our team immediately knew which topic we wanted to discuss, and we decided that we would like to prepare a training program on Small Group Communication—Problem Solving.

-          Sep. 1. 2008, was the second day we met as a group (this was our assigned day to meet as a group and class).  During this process we as a team came up with our team name; and we now call ourselves Action Training Inc.  After coming up with a team name within the first hour of class, Action Training Inc then wrote up a contract for the group that was read over and discussed thoroughly by the group and our advisor Dr. Lee McGaan.  All group members will abide by the contract at all times.  Action Training also developed a profile of requirements for future trainees/clients.  As the class period was coming to an end, Action Training Inc re-discussed everything that had been developed through the last week.  Everyone felt that all the important matters were taken care of and that the group’s performance is at a high level.


Assignments for Future Work / Deadlines:

-          The upcoming assignments for Action Training Inc will be as follows: to develop research on group communication and problem solving

-          To improve our profile of requirements as our consulting program improves.

-          To find out exactly and specifically what Chet Amagaan wants from us as consultants for M.C. Consulting?


Our Assessment of Our Teamwork Quality and Task Progress (Strengths and Weaknesses):

-          Strengths: group motivated, hard working, goal oriented, enjoyment of group, and organized

-          Weaknesses: staying on topic, and excessive fun as a group



Submitted by:  __DeMarkco Butler, Action Training Inc Liaison and Consultant_____________________