“Quality Communication Consultations”


“The Alliance


Client Profile


(Effective Listening Skills)


  1. The training program will be focused toward High School freshmen and sophomores who are just entering the higher education world and work force.


  1. Our trainees must be current high school students and their main responsibility is to enhance their education and work experience.



  1. The educational level of our trainees would be High School freshmen and sophomores. They would not have any current experience because they do not have a current profession (we are preparing them for that.)


  1. Our trainees would have previous experience through earlier school experiences, and from social interactions within their community growing up.



  1. The ages of our trainee can span from fourteen to seventeen years of age. The students that will be trained are both males and females.


  1. The students will be attending our training program as a mandatory requirement for their high school graduation. This will enable the students to be prepared for life post high school, be it the workforce or higher education.