“Quality Communication Consultations”




Making Meetings Effective

Product Description


The Three W’s


Who – C.E.M. will focus on teaching the basics of conducting effective meetings to college students on the executive board of organizations. Our primary focal point will be Monmouth College students.  We will focus on groups that are thriving to better their association and make their meetings more productive.  The college will also benefit from this program by reaching their educational goals and needs.


What- The members of an organization will attend our weekend seminar and learn the basics of effective meetings.  During the training program, the students will go through the following topics: should you have a meeting, the role of a facilitator, developing agendas, time management, establishing ground rules, interpersonal communication skills, decision making procedure, assigning duties and setting deadlines, and meeting closure procedures.  At the end of the program, the students will walk away with a better understand of how to conduct an effective meeting. 


Where- MC Consulting will find clients for C.E.M Firm by focusing on college level students.  To reach the students, the program will first be marketed to people such as the student life staff, organization staff advisors, and faculty involved in setting the curriculum

