“Quality Communication Consultations”


HTML Consulting


Interview Training


Training Program Objectives



l  Our trainees will be able to create profession resumes by the end of our training session



l  Our trainees will demonstrate proper and professional behaviors using appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills.



l  Our trainees will be confident going into any kind of interview.



l  Our trainees will be able to use appropriate business etiquette during an interview.  Etiquette has more to do with than just eating with the right fork. We will also show our trainees how to present themselves with the kind of polish that shows they can be taken seriously.



l  Our trainees will be able to respond effectively to difficult interviewing questions. 



l  Our trainees will recognize the appropriate business attire to wear for certain interviews.



l  Our trainees will be able to identify effective researching methods to enhance the knowledge of the company they will be interviewing with. 



l  Our trainees will know the proper procedure after an interview. 

