“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team #5 Work Contract

Amanda Boonstra, Briana Flynn, Owen Russell, Jake Schemerhorn


 “Interviewing for Employees”

1.      Our group will not start out with a formal leader, but if after working together as a group we are not being as productive as we would like to be we will meet and formally appoint a leader. Group decisions will be made as a whole and we will work together to assure that work is distributed evenly. To make sure that everyone is working well together we will meet once a week to review the work that we have done and make sure that we are all on the same page.


2.      If we do decide to have a leader, the responsibilities of the leader will include- but are not limited to- scheduling meeting times, making sure that all projects are turned in on time, making sure that everyone’s work is done properly, and making sure that everyone in the group is content with what is being accomplished.


3.      If we are having issues with one another, we will make sure to address the issues properly and maturely at our weekly group meeting. If necessary, we will discuss these issues with or Chet Amagen.


4.      If a member is not performing their duties, they will be confronted by the group to discuss the problem. If there is a legitimate reason why their work is not being done, the team members will put in a considerable effort to help this team member and make sure that their work is completed properly and efficiently. Chet Amagen will be informed if it is decided that a member is not performing their duties to the group’s standards.


5.      At the start of each meeting, we will set aside 15 minutes, or whatever is needed, to discuss our next meeting time and address any issues that our group members may have. Each person will be expected to show up for each meeting and class/lab session and will be held responsible for informing the team members of any future absences before hand. If missing class, lab, or a meeting, the team member will be expected to have a reasonable excuse for not attending and must turn in their work before the scheduled meeting time. Some valid excuses include school or sporting events, illness, family emergencies, etc. If their work is not received beforehand, Chet Amagen will be notified and the appropriate consequences will be determined.


6.      Upon violation of these terms, each team member will be allowed one warning before Chet Amagen is notified of their negligence. The process of removing a member from the team will be determined and completed through Chet Amagan. A team member may be dismissed if they miss one major deadline, have more than one unexcused absence from team meetings, or if the team member is not completing their share of work, which will be determined by the team members as a whole.


I have read and understand the all of the above agreements. I herby agree to follow all issued instructions and am aware that violation of these instructions may result in termination.


Amanda Boonstra

Briana Flynn

Owen Russell

Jake Schemerhorn