“Quality Communication Consultations”


Team # 1- Conflict Management


Team Contract


·         The leader of our team will be Megan Clarke. Her duties will include e-mailing Chet or Prof. McGaan with any questions or concerns that the group might encounter. She will also be the liaison for the group to let us know about group meeting times, changes, or issues that we might run into. The limits of group autonomy will be to not let anyone person have to take-hold of the whole project and have them do all of the work.

·         Frustrations or complaints will be taken up with the team leader, Megan. The issues can also be brought up in group meetings. We will maintain a professional group attitude and not bring personal issues with one another to the group meetings. Petty or unrelated issues will also not be allowed to be in group discussion. The issues will be handled by everyone talking and discussing an appropriate way to handle the situation at hand. Disagreements will be resolved by each person expressing their feelings or concerns and the group voting on what they all agree to be an appropriate settlement.

·         If one member of the group is performing inadequately it will be brought up in a group meeting to be resolved. If this individual does not change their actions for the betterment of the group, Megan will be e-mailing Chet or Prof. McGaan to express the groups concerns and then see what they think will be the best course of action.

·         The responsibilities to keep in touch will be for anyone to e-mail Megan with any changes in ability to come to group meetings; such as sickness, or school sanctioned events. A valid excuse for our group to miss a meeting is an illness, or a school sanctioned event. Other excuses will be brought up with Megan and she is willing to have some leeway as long as it is not a common occurrence for one member to always miss a meeting.

·         The conditions and procedures for a person who is continually absent from meetings, or slacking off in a way that is pulling the team down will be for Megan to contact either Chet or Prof. McGaan. She will let them know the issue that is at hand and tell them that their actions are hurting the team’s ability to perform at its highest level and to ask them what the correct course of action will be.